Intro Screen I1 -> Once upon a time there was a little girl who loved to visit her grandmother. The old woman was always busy making something for her favourite granddaughter. I2 -> One day she made something very special indeed. It was a beautiful, bright red cape with a hood. The little girl loved it so much that she wore it all the time! I3 -> Soon everyone started calling her Little Red Riding Hood. SCENE 1 R1A -> One morning the little girl's mother said, "Little Red Riding Hood, your grandmother is not very well. I am packing up some things to help her get better and I'd like you to take them to her. R1B -> "But do be careful as you walk through the forest and don 't stop on the way!" R1C -> "I'll be very careful," promised Little Red Riding Hood, "and I won't stop for anything." SCENE 2 R2A -> So off she went with her little basket. She waved to her mother until she was out of sight, and danced and skipped her way through the village, past the pond towards the forest. SCENE 3 R3A -> As she passed the old windmill she was greeted by the sight and sound of many lovely animals. SCENE 4 R4A -> At the edge of the forest, Little Red Riding Hood saw her favourite wild pony, who was grazing happily. SCENE 5 R5A -> Soon she reached the stream which she had crossed so often using the stepping stones. "Must be careful not to get my feet wet," she thought as she hopped across the stream. SCENE 6 R6A -> Soon she met a hunter from the village where she lived. "Good morning Little Red Riding Hood, where are you off to on such a fine day ?" he said. R6B -> "I'm taking these things to my Grandmother, she's not very well". replied Little Red Riding Hood. R6C -> "I'm sure your Grandmother will be very pleased to see you" said the Hunter. R6D -> "Yes, I must hurry, Mother said I should not stop" replied Little Red Riding Hood and continued on her way. SCENE 7 R7A -> As Little Red Riding Hood reached a clearing in the forest, a very cunning fellow was waiting. It was a wolf!. As Little Red Riding Hood approached him, he greeted her with a sly smile. R7B -> "Good morning, my dear," he said. "And what a fine morning it is!" R7C -> Little Red Riding Hood had never met a wolf before, so she wasn't scared. "Good morning," she said politely, "but I'm afraid I can't stop and talk." R7D -> "No matter, my dear," said the wolf. "Allow me to walk along with you. Where are going on such a lovely day?" R7E -> "I'm going to see my grandmother," replied Little Red Riding Hood. R7F -> "Then I think I can help you," said the wolf. "I'll show you where there are some lovely flowers, my dear. You can pick a bunch to take to your Grandmother." SCENE 8 R8A -> Little Red Riding Hood knew that she shouldn't stop, but she did like the idea of taking her grandmother a special present so she followed the wolf. R8B -> "Here we are," he said. "Now I must dash. I'm late for my lunch." SCENE 9 R9A -> While Little Red Riding Hood was busy picking flowers, the wolf dashed off to her Grandmother's house and knocked on the door. SCENE 10 R10A -> "Who is it ? " called a faint voice from inside. R10B -> "It's me, Little Red Riding Hood," called the wolf. "I've brought you something to make you feel better." R10C -> "Come in my dear," said Grandmother, "the door is open." R10D -> Without another word, the cunning wolf ran straight into the cottage, jumped onto Grandmothers bed and swallowed her in one go. SCENE 11 R11A -> Little Red Riding Hood was so pleased that she had a very special present to take to her Grandmother, but she realised that she must hurry on her way now. SCENE 12 R12A -> When she reached her grandmother's house, Little Red Riding Hood was a little surprised to see that the door was open. R12B -> "Is that you, my dear ?" croaked a faint voice. "Do come in!" R12C -> But when Little Red Riding Hood crept up to her grandmother's bed, a very strange sight met her eyes. R12D -> "Oh, Grandmother!" she cried "What big ears you have!" R12E -> "All the better to hear you with, my dear," came the reply. R12F -> Little Red Riding Hood went a little closer. R12G -> "Oh, Grandmother! What big eyes you have!" she gasped. R12H -> "All the better to see you with, my dear!" R12I -> Little Red Riding Hood took one more step. R12J -> "Oh, Grandmother! What big teeth you have!" R12K -> "All the better to eat you with!" cried the wolf, and gobbled her up! R12L -> The wolf was so full that he fell fast asleep in Grandmother's bed and began to snore very loudly. SCENE 13 R13A -> After a short while, the hunter came past and heard the very loud snoring coming from the cottage. R13B -> " That's strange, " he thought. " I've never heard the old lady snore like that." He decided to investigate. R13C -> As he looked through the cottage window he could not believe his eyes. It was the wolf he had been hunting for many months!. SCENE 14 R14A -> He crept into the cottage and shot at the wicked wolf. R14B -> Suddenly, he realised that the wolf had probably eaten Grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood, so he took a huge pair of scissors and cut the sly wolf's stomach open. R14C -> Out popped Grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood, a little shaken but still in one piece. SCENE 15 R15A -> Then, to stop the wolf getting up to such evil tricks again, they filled his stomach with stones and sent him on his way. SCENE 16 R16A -> Soon Grandmother was tucked up safely in her bed again. R16B -> "I feel a lot better now!" said Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother, as she tasted the good things the little girl had brought. SCENE 17 R17A -> Little Red Riding Hood's mother was so glad her little girl was safe that she didn't have the heart to scold her. R17B -> "I know you won't stop to pick flowers next time, Little Red Riding Hood," she said, "because I will give you some to take to Grandmother!" FA -> "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with A.." FB -> "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with B.." FC -> "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with C.." FD -> "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with D.." FE -> "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with E.." FF -> "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with F.." FH -> "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with H.." FG -> "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with G.." FI -> "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with I.." FJ -> "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with J.." FK -> "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with K.." FL -> "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with L.." FM -> "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with M.." FN -> "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with N.." FO -> "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with O.." FP -> "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with P.." FR -> "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with R.." FS -> "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with S.." FT -> "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with T.." FV -> "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with V.." FW -> "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with W.." AA -> "Try again, find something beginning with A.." AB -> "Try again, find something beginning with B.." AC -> "Try again, find something beginning with C.." AD -> "Try again, find something beginning with D.." AE -> "Try again, find something beginning with E.." AF -> "Try again, find something beginning with F.." AH -> "Try again, find something beginning with H.." AG -> "Try again, find something beginning with G.." AI -> "Try again, find something beginning with I.." AJ -> "Try again, find something beginning with J.." AK -> "Try again, find something beginning with K.." AL -> "Try again, find something beginning with L.." AM -> "Try again, find something beginning with M.." AN -> "Try again, find something beginning with N.." AO -> "Try again, find something beginning with O.." AP -> "Try again, find something beginning with P.." AR -> "Try again, find something beginning with R.." AS -> "Try again, find something beginning with S.." AT -> "Try again, find something beginning with T.." AV -> "Try again, find something beginning with V.." AW -> "Try again, find something beginning with W.." CANDLE -> "Well done! This is a candle" KETTLE -> "Great! This is a kettle" CHAIR -> "Well done! This is a chair" CHEST -> "Well done! This is a chest" FIRE -> "Great! This is a fire place" IRON -> "Great! This is an iron" LAMP -> "Well done! This is a lamp" RUG -> "Well done! This is a rug" TOWEL -> "Great! This is a towel" VASE -> "Well done! This is a vase" CANE -> "Great! This is a cane" PLATE -> "Great! This is a plate" HORSE -> "Well done! This is a horse shoe" JUG -> "Great! This is a jug" POT -> "Well done! This is a pot" TEA -> "Great! This is a kettle" MAMA -> "Great! This is mother" CANDLE_ -> "Not this one, This is a candle" KETTLE_ -> "Not this one, This is a kettle" CHAIR_ -> "Not this one, This is a chair" CHEST_ -> "Not this one, This is a chest" FIRE_ -> "Not this one, This is a fire place" IRON_ -> "Not this one, This is an iron" LAMP_ -> "Not this one, This is a lamp" RUG_ -> "Not this one, This is a rug" TOWEL_ -> "Not this one, This is a towel" VASE_ -> "Not this one, This is a vase" CANE_ -> "Not this one, This is a cane" PLATE_ -> "Not this one, This is a plate" HORSE_ -> "Not this one, This is a horse shoe" JUG_ -> "Not this one, This is a jug" POT_ -> "Not this one, This is a pot" TEA_ -> "Not this one, This is a kettle" MAMA_ -> "Not this one, This is mother" BEE -> "Well done! This is a beehive" CAT -> "Great! This is a cat" DOG -> "Well done! This is a dog" DOVE -> "Great! This is a pigeon" HEN -> "Well done! This is a hen" PIG -> "Great! This is a pig" ROO -> "Great! This is a cockerel" TYR -> "Well done! This is a turkey" BEE_ -> "Not this one, This is a beehive" CAT_ -> "Not this one, This is a cat" DOG_ -> "Not this one, This is a dog" DOVE_ -> "Not this one, This is a pigeon" HEN_ -> "Not this one, This is a hen" PIG_ -> "Not this one, This is a pig" ROO_ -> "Not this one, This is a cockerel" TYR_ -> "Not this one, This is a turkey" DUCK -> "Well done! This is a duck" GANDER -> "Well done! This is a goose" WOPEC -> "Great! This is a woodpecker" WIDDER -> "Well done! This is a sheep" BOCK -> "Well done! This is a goat" STIER -> "Well done! This is a bull" ZICK -> "Great! This is a kid" DUCK_ -> "Not this one, This is a duck" GANDER_ -> "Not this one, This is a goose" WOPEC_ -> "Not this one, This is a woodpecker" WIDDER_ -> "Not this one, This is a sheep" BOCK_ -> "Not this one, This is a goat" STIER_ -> "Not this one, This is a bull" ZICK_ -> "Not this one, This is a kid" EAGLE -> "Great! This is a hawk" HASE -> "Well done! This is a rabbit" WIND -> "Great! This is a windmill" EAGLE_ -> "Not this one, This is a hawk" HASE_ -> "Not this one, This is a rabbit" WIND_ -> "Not this one, This is a windmill" GRASSHO -> "Well done! This is a grasshopper" PONY -> "Great! This is a pony" COW -> "Well done! This is a cow" AMEISE -> "Great! This is an ant" GRASSHO_ -> "Not this one, This is a grasshopper" PONY_ -> "Not this one, This is a pony" COW_ -> "Not this one, This is a cow" AMEISE_ -> "Not this one, This is an ant" REICHER -> "Great! This is a heron" ELK -> "Well done! This is an elk" FROG -> "Great! This is a frog" REICHER_ -> "Not this one, This is a heron" ELK_ -> "Not this one, This is an elk" FROG_ -> "Not this one, This is a frog" BURY -> "Well done! This is a chipmunk" HAMSTER -> "Well done! This is a berry" BURY_ -> "Not this one, This is a chipmunk" HAMSTER_ -> "Not this one, This is a berry" FOX -> "Great! This is a fox" HUNTER -> "Great! This is a hunter" ROE -> "Well done! This is a deer" FOX_ -> "Not this one, This is a fox" HUNTER_ -> "Not this one, This is a hunter" ROE_ -> "Not this one, This is a deer" UHU -> "Well done! This is an owl" LUCHS -> "Great! This is a lynx" UHU_ -> "Not this one, This is an owl" LUCHS_ -> "Not this one, This is a lynx" EICH -> "Great! This is a squirrel" BOAR -> "Great! This is a wild boar" MARDER -> "Well done! This is a marten" FISCH -> "Great! This is water" EICH_ -> "Not this one, This is a squirrel" BOAR_ -> "Not this one, This is a wild boar" MARDER_ -> "Not this one, This is a marten" FISCH_ -> "Not this one, This is water" HIRSCH -> "Well done! This is a stag" NEST -> "Great! This is a nest" WOLF -> "Well done! This is a wolf" HIRSCH_ -> "Not this one, This is a stag" NEST_ -> "Not this one, This is a nest" WOLF_ -> "Not this one, This is a wolf" BEAR -> "Great! This is a bear" MOLE -> "Well done! This is a mole" BEAR_ -> "Not this one, This is a bear" MOLE_ -> "Not this one, This is a mole" GO -> "Let's go somewhere else!" OVER ->* G A M E O V E R DENIED -> "You already chose this!"